2 courses each week.
Mid-week course Monday - Thursday
Weekend course Thursday - Sunday
Flexibility in scheduling, just ask us
​Introduction to Vedic Meditation with Rachel Gross
Sun Feb 23 - Free introduction talk (60 mins) 10am - 11am
Nowra #157
Mon Feb 24 - Individual initiations (60 min) - between 7am to 3pm
Tue Feb 25 - Group knowledge and meditation (~120 min) 10:30am to 12:30pm
Wed Feb 26 - Group knowledge and meditation (~120 min) 11am to 1pm
Thu Feb 27 - Group knowledge and meditation (~120 min) 2pm to 4pm​
Introduction to Vedic Meditation with Rachel Gross and Barron Hanson
Tue Feb 25 - Free introduction talk (60 mins) 5:30pm to 6:30pm
Introduction to Vedic Meditation with Rachel Gross
Sun Mar 2nd - Free introduction talk (60 mins) 10am - 11am
Introduction to Vedic Meditation with Rachel and Barron
Tue Mar 4th - Free introduction talk (60 mins) 6pm to 7pm
​Nowra #159 (with Rachel Gross)
Thu Mar 6 - Individual initiations (60 min) - between 8am to 5pm
Fri Mar 7 - Group knowledge and meditation (~120 min) 5:30pm to 7:30pm
Sat Mar 8 - Group knowledge and meditation (~120 min) 3pm to 5pm
Sun Mar 9 - Group knowledge and meditation (~120 min) 8am to 10am
Nowra #160
Mon Mar 17 - Individual initiations (60 min) - between 7am to 3pm
Tue Mar 18 - Group knowledge and meditation (~120 min) 10:30am to 12:30pm
Wed Mar 19 - Group knowledge and meditation (~120 min) 10:30am to 12:30pm
Thu Mar 20 - Group knowledge and meditation (~120 min) 10:30am to 12:30pm
Nowra #161
Thu Mar 20 - Individual initiations (60 min) - between 8am to 4pm
Fri Mar 21 - Group knowledge and meditation (~120 min) 6pm to 8pm
Sat Mar 22 - Group knowledge and meditation (~120 min) 11am to 1pm
Sun Mar 23 - Group knowledge and meditation (~120 min) 8am to 10am
Introduction to Vedic Meditation
Tue Mar 25 - Free introduction talk (60 mins) 6pm to 7pm
Other Upcoming Courses
Exploring The Veda 1 - Feb 7 to 9
Sydney #011 - Feb 20 to 23
Hakuba, Japan #001 - Mar 6 to 9
Wollongong #009 - Mar 16 to 19
The Course
Initiations are one-on-one
Personalized mantra
Small class sizes
Private classes available upon request
Vedic Meditation is taught over four (4) consecutive days, for about 60 to 90 minutes per session. The course is not academic in nature and will not require you pass any exams. Like any rich experience, it cannot be had virtually.
On the first day, you’ll receive a personalized mantra expertly chosen specifically for you based on a variety of factors, and we’ll meditate together.
On subsequent days, we'll discuss meditation best practices, the mechanics of stress release, and what to expect as you begin to peel away layers of deeply held stresses accumulated over a lifetime.
Each session will conclude with a meditation, and you'll practice once on your own in between each session.
Once you have completed the course you will be self sufficient in the practice of Vedic Meditation. You are entitled to re-sit a refresher course at anytime and a lifetime of follow up from your teacher.
We believe learning Vedic Meditation is the best thing you can do for yourself, your family, your community and the planet.

Group Meditations
Group meditations are open to anyone who has completed a four day Vedic Meditation course. Group meditations are a wonderful way to have shared meditation experience and meet others within the community. Many people report deep meditations while in the comfort of a group. Each meditation is followed by a knowledge session with time for questions about practice.
Wednesday 7pm
Sunday 9am (Hyper Hyper after for coffee)
Monday 30 minutes before sunrise at Vincentia

Our Studio
We share a studio with South Coast Pilates in the heart of Nowra CBD. The studio is located at 1/62 North Street at the bottom of Woolworths carpark, opposite the library and next door to Bomo Bulk Foods.
We also host our friend Yonder Movement Yoga for weekly classes.