Community Happiness Project

What is
Be Here Nowra?
Be Here Nowra is a community project documenting how meditation can improve the happiness of the individual and a whole town. Our goal is to improve the collective happiness of the town we love through meditation.

What is
Meditation is a simple, natural mental technique that helps to de-excite the mind triggering the bodies natural process of rest and rejuvenation. It helps to release the mind of ceaseless thoughts which can lead to reduction in stress and increased happiness.

What are the benefits of meditation?
Meditators receive a wealth of benefits, some are felt immediately while others grow over time. Common reports include: increased energy, better sleep, more adaptability, improved control, newfound creativity and overall improvement in happiness. Science shows that regular meditation lowers your biological age and reduces your chance of age related disease.

How does this benefit community?
Research suggests if you can get 1% of a population to regularly meditate, it can have a seismic effect throughout the whole community. This is known as the "super radiance effect". We believe to effect change we must raise the consciousness of the individual and the benefits will flow to the community.

What style of meditation do you teach?
There are many types of meditation, we teach Vedic Meditation which is an ancient technique originating in India and now taught all over the world. It is known as a self-transcendent technique. When you learn Vedic Meditation you are given a personalised mantra and the procedure how to use it properly.

How can
I learn meditation?
Courses are taught by qualified Vedic Meditation Initiator Barron Hanson. Courses are run over four sessions of 60 to 90 minutes each on consecutive days.
We have mid-week and weekend courses available. We teach out of our studio location in Nowra CBD.
Andrew, 30
"I did not know anything about meditation before attending a 4 day course at Be Here Nowra. Barron was an amazing teacher and guide into this world. I would recommend giving this a go for anyone who wants to learn more about meditation and changing their mind set about stress"
Gillian, 51
"I highly recommend learning the Ancient practice of Vedic meditation with Barron at Be here Nowra. I found meditation has made a positive impact on my daily life, and cannot thank Barron enough for making the experience one that was easy, comfortable, inspiring and an absolute joy."
Lou, 42
"Barron is a grounded, insightful meditation teacher building a warm and welcoming community in the heart of Nowra. Learning Vedic meditation changed my life and I would recommend this simple technique to anyone."